Workers’ Compensation for Heart and Lung Injuries

Industry Workers Commonly Affected by Heart and Lung Injuries

Heart and lung injuries in the workplace can result from either acute incidents or prolonged exposure to hazardous environments. These injuries can range from occupational diseases due to inhalation of harmful substances to heart conditions spurred by excessive physical strain or stress. When you suffer a heart or lung injury due to your workplace, a Nevada workers’ comp lawyer can assist you in obtaining the benefits you need and deserve.

Industry Workers Commonly Affected by Heart and Lung Injuries

Construction, mining, and manufacturing workers are particularly at risk, where exposure to dust, chemicals, and heavy physical demands are common. These injuries affect not only workers’ physical well-being but also their quality of life, leading to significant medical expenses and potential loss of income.

Partial List of Common Injuries to the Heart and Lungs

The range of heart and lung injuries inflicted by work environments is vast, encompassing diseases that can deteriorate a worker’s health drastically, such as the following:

  • Occupational asthma is triggered by inhaling workplace dust, gasses, or fumes, leading to breathing difficulties.
  • Pneumoconiosis includes various lung diseases caused by inhaling dust, especially in mining or construction, which damages lung tissue.
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is progressive and causes airflow from the lungs to be obstructed, often from long-term exposure to harmful pollutants.
  • Ischemic heart disease is caused by excessive physical strain or stress in the workplace, which reduces blood supply to the heart.
  • Hypertension due to work-related stress can also contribute to high blood pressure, impacting heart health.

Other Effects of Heart and Lung Trauma

The impact of heart and lung conditions on workers extends far beyond the physical realm, deeply affecting their emotional and financial stability. Physically, employees suffering from such conditions may experience reduced work capability, necessitating job changes or early retirement. This loss of income and rising medical bills can place a significant financial strain on the affected individuals and their families. 

Psychologically, dealing with chronic health issues can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, further deteriorating the quality of life. Additionally, the social implications, such as isolation from colleagues and the inability to engage in previously enjoyed activities, can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and despair. Consequently, the holistic impact of workplace-induced heart and lung injuries underscores the urgent need for preventive measures and comprehensive support systems for affected workers.

Rights and Protections for Heart and Lung Injuries

Workers suffering from heart and lung trauma due to their occupation have legal rights and protections designed to ensure their well-being and financial security. Key among these is the right to claim workers’ compensation, which provides medical benefits and partial wage replacement for those unable to work due to injuries. Occupational safety and health regulations also mandate employers to minimize hazardous exposures and implement safety measures to protect workers. 

In cases where negligence can be proven, workers may have the right to file personal injury lawsuits against their employers or third parties responsible for unsafe conditions. Furthermore, disability laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), offer protection from discrimination and require reasonable accommodations for workers suffering from chronic health conditions, enabling them to continue working or return to work after recovery. 

Attorney Jay Short: Nevada Workers’ Comp

With Jay Short, Attorney at Law, you can get the help you need to recover benefits for work-related injuries and illnesses. As a workers’ compensation law firm, we work hard to help you receive the settlement you deserve for your injuries. We are available 24/7 at (775) 786-2006 to answer your questions and offer a free case review. You can also contact us online.